About Activist Stories

Hi! My name is Lance Brown.
I’m a lifelong activist.

young me
It started right around here.


Though I don’t think I called myself an “activist”
until I was almost 20 years old.

JFK memorial
Who has really colorful shorts and is aware he’s an activist?
^ This guy! ^


I’ve also been semi-retired from really active activism
for most of the past decade, sticking mostly to “armchair activism”
like signing petitions and social media sharing.

Lance in the hub, circa 2009
…and multi-tasking…and watching X-Files…



But in my heart, regardless of my occupation,
I’ve always been an activist.

It’s not something I can retire from. It’s in my blood. Hardwired into my brain.


Or is it?  Where did it come from, and what is the deal with me and activism? For that matter, with people and activism…

Why are some people more “activist” than others? What makes a hardcore activist? What sort of conditions, personality traits, and events combine to turn an uninvolved person into someone who devotes a serious amount of their time to bringing about positive change for others? And what will it take to inspire and motivate the number of activists needed to solve the major problems facing humanity?

Those are the sort of questions I’ve been asking myself in the recent years leading up to my “un-retirement” and reentry into serious, active activism. And they are the questions I’ll be looking to answer with my guests on Activist Stories.

By probing the lives of activists of all stripes, I hope we will all get to discover more about what makes activists tick. And along the way, I expect we’ll hear a lot of inspiring and exciting stories, and learn a lot of valuable lessons about what it takes to make the world a better place—one person at a time.

Whether you’re a committed armchair activist, an aspiring Leader of Tomorrow, or just someone who wants to feel a little more hope and inspiration, I think Activist Stories will give you what you need.
Plus a kick in the butt every now and then, for those of you who need a little motivation. (After all, this isn’t Passivist Stories. 😉 )


stuffing envelopes

Nevada County News Hour

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A few more photos: